Mirrorland – Carole Johnstone #Blogtour

The stories we're told as children often have, at their heart, a lesson, or a darkness that that has been diluted, made easier to digest. Johnstone's Mirrorland takes both these elements for her central elements, creating a modern thriller which taps into the fears and dangers of childhood. When Cat learns that her twin sister, … Continue reading Mirrorland – Carole Johnstone #Blogtour

This Eden – Ed O’Loughlin

I was lucky to get hold of a review copy of O'Loughlin's fast-paced This Eden, which is out today, and I raced through it. From the outset, we know that there is more to Michael's story than meets the eye. We're invited to study the evidence, and reminded that everything today is observed. 'Their first … Continue reading This Eden – Ed O’Loughlin